Wednesday 5 September 2012


Khushi Jain

Section- B

BBM- 1st Semester

Q.1. Classification of computers according to size, features and latest versions of operating systems of computers.

1. Computer application in data processing :

Data processing is the execution of a systematic sequence of operations performed upon data to transform into information. Data are raw facts; information is processed data. Data are subjected to processing activities such as calculating, comparing, sorting , classifying and summarizing. Eg. Data received about a sales (done on computer)
    1. Added to a running total a sales results.
    2. Compared to a standard to determine eligibility for a sales discount.
    3. Sorted in numerical order based on product identification numbers
    4. Classified into product categories (food or nonfood items)
    5. Summarized to provide a sales manager with information about various product categories and finally,
    6. Update sales records.

2. Computer application for information processing 

Information processing is a concept that covers both the traditional concepts of processing numeric and alphabetic data, and the processing of text, images and voices. It emphasis that the production of information products for uses should be the focus of processing activities.Data are subjected to a value-added process, then it is called data processing or information processing. Where its form is aggregated, manipulated and organized (b) its content is analyzed and evaluated (c) it is placed in a proper context for human user.

3. Computer application for commercial

Business owner make use of data processing through personnel computer mostly which previously was available to only large computers. Business application has large requirement for inputing data for producing multiple hardcopy and softcopy outputs. The bank and financial companies are major users of financial application. They use modern method of financial transaction with the help of Electronic payment systems , electronic fund transfer system, national networks, ATMs , net banking , mobile banking with adequate proper security. Computers are extensively used in every other function of business like advertisement using multimedia , internet advertisement, online marketing, CRM (customer relation management) , HR and administration etc
4. Computer application for basic management function
Managers at all level  must perform  basic management tasks of functions  as planning , organizing, staffing and controlling.   Each function involve decision making  and this must be supported by  quality  information . computers are useful media for providing information and also nowadays computers are used for Electronic meeting using videoconferencing and audio conferencing.

5. Computer application in industry and engineering

In almost all the industries people have started using computer. Now a days people have also started making 3-D walk through, to show it to customer so that they get better visualization of the design of their home or office. Even in the field of engineering there are few more examples where computers are used, such as designing car models, bikes and also used for designing airplanes, helicopters, missiles etc.

6. Computer application in education

Now a days computer has become like necessity for every student, they do lot of research work with the help of computer by gathering data , organizing them, and finally analyzing it to come with some conclusion. Two important use for personnel computers in education  are computer managed instruction (CMI) and computer aided instruction (CAI) CAI is a software which assist the instructor in the management of all the classroom activities such as record keeping , work assignments, testing  and grading.

7. Computer application in office automation

The office automation system also known as “enterprises collaboration systems” which enhances team and workgroup communications and productivity. For example ; knowledge workers in a project team may use electronic  message  and videoconferencing  to hold  electronic  meeting to co-ordinate their activities. . it is an ideal system  which would  allow people to communicate in the medium  of their  choice  like data , document, image, voice or video. Office automation function eliminate typewriter, file cabinet, manual type setting , commercial printing telephone service, memos, travel and physical presence at meeting.

8. Computer in music

The internet is a goldmine for music and video. For downloading video or music we can use some website like : by sony,  iTunes for iPod.

9. Computer in Animation Industry

Modern computer animation usually uses 3D computer graphics, although 2D computer graphics are still used for stylistic, low bandwidth, and faster real-time renderings. The first completely computer-generated television series was ReBoot, in 1994, and the first completely computer-generated animated movie was Toy Story (1995)

10. Computers in healthcare

Every individual is consicious about his health , now a days. There are numerous applications of computers in the medical field. The computer act as a large bank of data about medical conditions of the patients(diagnosis) computerized patient record help in good hospital  management.  The latest technology area where computers are widely used   are biotechnology, bio-informatics, bio science in the study of genes, DNA etc for gathering information , teleprocessing , teleconferencing and videoconferencing are the other areas used in patients operations by doctors from distant places who form  a virtual team.

11. Computer application in employment

Computer and internet job sites are really helpful to provide employment opportunity to many people. All company’s job are published on net and job website like and not onle give information about the job opportunity ,they also create a huge employee data bank which provide useful data for corporate to search the idle candidate. Computer also help people to apply online for a job and create a good resume. Both employers and job seekers have a mountain of related information to sort through with minimal search parameter assistance.

12. Computer application in graphics and multimedia

Computer graphics are graphics created using computers and, more generally, the representation and manipulationof image data by a computer with help from specialized software and hardware.Graphics are pertaining to symbolic input and output from a computer system such as lines, curves and geometric shapes , using video display units or graphics plotters and printers. Developments in computer graphics have had a profound impact on many types of media and have revolutionized animationmovies and the video game industry. Today, computers and computer-generated images touch many aspects of daily life. Computer imagery is found on television, in newspapers, for example in weather reports, or for example in all kinds of medical investigation and surgical procedures.

Types of Computers
Microcomputers or personnel computers
The term microcomputer and personnel computer are interchangeable, but PC which stands for personnel computer – sometimes has more specific meaning. In 1981 , IBM called its first microcomputer the IBM PC. The mainly used microcomputers are HCL, PCs , Wipro, HP etc. The mostly used micro computers are PC-AT (advanced technology) and PC-XT (extended technology) . There are several types of microcomputers , each with its own capabilities, features and purposes . Microcomputers include the following types :
  •   Desktop models
  •   Notebook computers or laptop computers
  •   Network computers
  •   Handheld personnel computers of all types.

workstation is a high-end   microcomputer designed for technical or scientific applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are commonly connected to a local area network and run multiuser operating system. The term workstation has also been used to refer to a mainframe   terminal or a PC connected to a network.

Supercomputers are the most powerful computers made , and physically they are some of the largest . these systems are built to process huge amount of data, and the fastest supercomputers can perform more than 1 trillion calculations per second. Some supercomputers – such as Cray T90 system – can house thousands of processors. The supercomputer handles mostly complex scientific and statistical applications or programs. Supercomputer has high technology , which is used for special purpose.
Supercomputers are used for weather forecasting , airflow control traffic, defense system, railway reservation etc. India’s first super computer is PERM. Supercomputer can cost tens of millions of dollars and consume enough electricity to power dozens of homes. Supercomputer are very sensitive to the temperature, humidity , dust etc.
Mainframe computers

These computers has a smaller size than the supercomputer. Also these computer are non-portable. Mainframe computers are used in large organizations like insurance companies and banks where many people need frequent access to the same data, which is usually organized into one or more huge databases.
Airlines uses large mainframe systems for flight scheduling , reservations, ticketing and meeting a range of customer service needs. Government agencies — such as the internal Revenue service, federal aviation Administration and the census Bureau – use mainframe to track information about large population , payroll etc.
Mainframe are being used more and more as specialized servers on the WWW.
The mainly used mainframe computers are non-portable. The mainly used mainframe computer is PDP370, IBM-40. The cost of mainframe computers varies from Rs5 lacs to 20 Lacs. Its memory capacity is also very high. All kind of hardware and software cane be executed on the mainframe computer. Today , a typical mainframe computer looks like an unimposing file cabinet- or a row of file cabinets – although it may still require a somewhat controlled environment.
Minicomputers or midrange computers 

First released in the 1960’s, minicomputers got their name because of their small size compared to other computers of the day. The capabilities of a minicomputer are somewhere between mainframe and personnel computers. The most powerful minicomputers can serve the input and output needs of hundreds of users at a time.
Minicomputers are used as a servers in network environments that handle the data-sharing needs of other computers on the network. Minicomputers cost anywhere from $18,000 to $ 500,000 and are ideal for many organizations and companies that cannot afford or do not need a mainframe system.
Desktop models
The first types of PC introduced was the desktop model. It is full sized computer that is small enough to be used at a desk but too big to carry around. A variation of the desktop systems is the tower model , where a system unit sits vertically and has more space for devices.
Notebook computers or laptop computers

Notebooks computers , as the name implies  are very small size , portable computer which can fit inside a briefcase easily. It is also called as laptop computers. Notebooks systems can be configured with such memory and storage space as a desktop systems.
Network computers
In some situation a user does not need all the power and features provided by a personnel computer, If you want to use the internet, or example if you are a data entry operator, then you may not need the processing power , memory, and storage capacity of a fully equipped PC.. In this instance a network computer becomes useful. Network computer are designed to be connected to a network , a corporate intranet orto the internet. The NC relies on the network for software and data storage and may even use the networks server to perform some processing tasks.
Handheld personnel computers of all types
These are tiny systems which can work like PC and can fits in the user’s hand, such as
  • Personnel digital assistant (PDA)
  • Cellular telephone with internet, e-mail and fax capabilities
Most PDAs come with an electronic pen that lets user write on a touch-sensitive screen.
Wearable computer

A Wearable Computer is a body-worn or in clothing integrated IT device that offershands-free operation through speech control. Essentially, common computer applications (e-mail, database, multimedia, calendar/scheduler) are integrated into watches, cell phones, visors and even clothing!

Generations of Computers

First Generation – 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes

Vacuum Tubes
  • These first generation computers were based on vacuum tube technology.
  • These first generation computers were the fastest computing devices of their times (computation time was in Milli-Seconds).
  • These first generation computers were very large, and required a lot of space for installation.
  • Since thousands of vacuum tubes were used, they generated a large amount of heat. Therefore, air conditioning was essential.
  • These first generation computers were non-profitable and very slow equipments.
  • They lack in versatility and speed.
  • They were expensive to operate and consumed large amount of electricity

Second Generation – 1956-1963: Transistors

  • 1. Transistors were used
  • 2. Core Memory was developed
  • 3. Faster than First Generation computers
  • 4. First Operating System was developed
  • 5. Programming was in Machine Language & Aseembly Language
  • 6. Magnetic tapes & discs were used
  • 7. Computers became smaller in size than the First Generation computers
  • 8. Computers consumed less heat & consumed less electricity

Third Generation – 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits

Computer History
1. Integrated circuits developed
2. Power consumption was low
3. SSI & MSI Technology was used
4. High level languages were used 

Fourth Generation – 1971-Present: Microprocessors

Computer History
. LSI & VLSI Technology used
2. Development of Portable Computers
3. RAID Technology of data storage
4. Used in virtual reality, multimedia, simulation
5. Computers started in use for Data Communication
6. Different types of memories with very high accessing speed & storage

Fifth Generation – Present and Beyond: Artificial Intelligence

Used in parallel processing
2. Used superconductors
3. Used in speech recognition
4. Used in intelligent robots
5. Used in artificial intelligence

Classification of Computers


The main feature of computer are:

  1. Speed : computers are capable of carrying out the task with enormous speed. Today’s computer’s , according to their class , can perform from 4 MIPS (million of instruction per second) to 100 MIPS.
  2. Storage : computer can store enormous quantity of information. The large volume of storage occupy much lesser space compared to paper documents and this aspect of computers makes them more powerful.
  3. Accuracy : the accuracy of computer is consistently high. In fact , this quality  of the computer  make the indispensable in various field such as scientific Research, space research , weather prediction and many other precision of a high order is required.
  4. Versatility : computers are versatile in that they can perform almost any task, provided they are  given the appropriate logical steps. For example they are capable of performing wide ranging tasks such as construction  of payroll, inventory management in a factory, hotel billing , hospital management, banking application etc.
  5. Dilligence : computer are machines and that do not get tired or “ lose concentration” like human beings. If a large number of calculations say million calculations are to be performed the resultant output will remain  exactly  the same even if operations are repeated any umber of times.
  6. Automation : the biggest advantage of computers is that it is automatic in its operation. Once  a programming logic is initiated the computer performs repeated operations without human interventions until program completion.
  7. Power of remembering : computer has the power of storing any amount of information or data. Any information can be stored and recalled as long as you require it, for any numbers of years.
  8. No IQ : computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruction from the user. It performs the instruction at tremendous speed and with accuracy.
  9. No feeling : it does not have feelings or emotion , taste , knowledge and experience. Thus it doesnot get tired even after a long hours of work. It doesnot distinguish between users.               


    Sony VAIO Y Series Product Specs:

  • Processor Series: Dual-Core Processor E-350

  • Processor Brand: AMD

  • Installed Memory: 3 GB

  • Hard Drive Size: 320 GB

  • Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit

  • Installed Memory DIMMs: 2GB + 1GB

  • Graphics Type: Integrated

  • Audio: Intel High Definition Audio

  • Dimensions: 11.42" (L) x 7.99" (W) x 0.99-1.25" (H)

  • Wireless Compatibility: Atheros 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Connection (802.11b/g/n)

  • Graphics Memory: Internal

  • Processor Speed (GHz): 1.60 GHz

  • Weight: 3.23 lbs.

  • Webcam: Built-in MOTION EYE camera and microphone

  • Estimated Battery Life: Up to 6 hours standard settings

  • Processor Cache Size: 1MB Cache

  • Battery: Standard Capacity Lithium Ion Battery

                                                          Sony Vaio Y Series Notebook

  • Processor Model: AMD Dual-Core Processor E-350

  • Hard Drive Detail: 320GB 5400rpm SATA Hard Drive

  • Memory Type: DDR3 1066MHz

  • Screen Type and Resolution: 11.6" LED Backlit Display

  • Networking Detail: 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T

  • Graphics Brand/ Model: AMD Mobility Radeon HD 6310 Graphics